
Current Exercises

After being asked by a few people about what I do for a workout, I decided to put this piece together. I will try to update it occasionally to keep it current.  

In general, I weight lift two to three days a week at LA Fitness and attend a vinyasa yoga class twice a week at Corepower Yoga. I break up my weight lifting days into three categories: biceps and back, legs, and triceps and chest. I use a combination of weight machine and free weights. A legend is below for explanation of my abbreviations.

Disclaimer: I am not a personal trainer nor a doctor. If you want to use any of these workouts, please consult your doctor and maybe a personal trainer first.

Below is a breakdown of my exercises while I weight lift.

  1. Stretch

  2. Core Work (choose one for each section)

    1. Upper Abs

      1. Basic crunches

      2. Legs up the wall crunches

      3. Legs up the wall toe touches

    2. Oblique Abs

      1. Figure Four crunches

      2. Bicycle Crunches

      3. Rope climbers

      4. Side plank hip lifts

    3. Lower Abs

      1. Leg lifts

      2. Legs up the wall Hip lifts

      3. High Boat to Low Boat

    4. Adduction and Abduction leg lifts

    5. Side plank hip lifts

    6. Cobra lifts

  3. Warmup

    1. 50 jumping jacks (pull your shoulder blades back, extend arms and really focus on the movement)

    2. 50 body weight squats

    3. 50 calve raises

    4. 10 lunges (each leg)

    5. 10 One leg pelvic lifts (each side)

    6. 10 Yoga Kick Back (each leg)

    7. 10 Hydrant pose (each leg)

    8. 5 hip rotations each leg (like you’re stepping over a fence)

    9. 10 forward leg swings (each leg)

    10. 10 side leg swings (each leg)

    11. 10 arm circles, both directions, both sides

    12. 30 push ups (10 wide arm, 10 down dog, and 10 tricep)

  4. Weight Lifting Exercises (choose one of the following three days)

    1. Triceps and Chest

      1. Triceps Cable Pull-down

      2. Chest Press BB

      3. DB Shoulder Shrug

      4. Cable Inner Chest Press

      5. DB Standing Triceps Extensions

      6. Incline Chest Press BB

      7. DB Front Lateral Raise

      8. DB Lateral Raise

    2. Bicep and Back Day

      1. Back Hyperextensions and Side lifts (Roman Chair)

      2. Parallel Bar Leg Raise

      3. Iso Lateral Wide Pulldown

      4. DB Shoulder Press

      5. One Arm Iso Lateral Wide Pulldown

      6. DB Arm Curls [normal/hammer/wide]

      7. Leverage Machine Iso Row

      8. Preacher Plate curls

      9. Arnold Press

    3. Leg Day

      1. BB Full Squats

      2. Leg Press

      3. Thigh Adduction

      4. Thigh Abduction

      5. Seated Calf Raise [15-25 reps; straight legs]

      6. BB Hip Thrusts

      7. Lying Leg curls

      8. Leg Extensions

  5. Stretch

  6. Sauna and Shower


  • Exercise Name (xx) = three sets of ten reps
  • BW = Bodyweight

  • DB = dumbbell

  • BB = barbell

Exercises 1.0

After being asked by a few people about what I do for a workout, I decided to put this piece together. I will try to update it occasionally to keep it current.  

In general, I weight lift two to three days a week at LA Fitness and attend a vinyasa yoga class twice a week at Corepower Yoga. I break up my weight lifting days into three categories: Arms and Chest, Shoulders and Back, and Legs. I use a combination of weight machine and free weights. A legend is below for explanation of my abbreviations.

Disclaimer: I am not a personal trainer nor a doctor. If you want to use any of these workouts, please consult your doctor and maybe a personal trainer first.

Below is a breakdown of my exercises while I weight lift.

  1. Stretch

  2. Nerd Fitness Warmup (Click here for more info)

    1. 2-3 minutes of jump rope (I rarely do this one)

    2. 50 jumping jacks

    3. 20 body weight squats

    4. 5 lunges (each leg)

    5. 10 hip extensions

    6. 5 hip rotations each leg (like you’re stepping over a fence)

    7. 10 forward leg swings (each leg)

    8. 10 side leg swings (each leg)

    9. 10-20 push ups (scale based on your level of fitness)

    10. 10 spiderman steps (each leg)

  3. Weight Lifting Exercises (choose one of the following three days)

    1. Arm and Chest Day

      1. Arm normal/hammer/wide curl DB (45)

      2. Compound Deltoid lift (35)
      3. Overhead 1H Tricep extension DB (17.5)

      4. Incline Chest press BB (70)

      5. Preacher bicep plate machine (60)
      6. Tricep cable pull down (57.5)

      7. Butterfly Machine (110)

    2. Shoulder and Back Day

      1. Diverging Lat pull-down (115)

      2. Roman chair (30)

      3. Shoulder press DB (55)

      4. Reverse Butterfly machine (80)

      5. DB 45° lateral lift/shoulder shrugs (40)

      6. Row cable (115)

    3. Leg Day

      1. Leg curl (120)

      2. Leg extension (120)

      3. Adduction (180)

      4. Abduction (180)

      5. Calf Extensions (180)

      6. Plate Leg press (160)

      7. Glute machine (120)

  4. Bodyweight Exercises

    1. Arm and Chest BW Exercises (done between sets on shoulder/back and leg day)

      1. Push up

      2. Triangle push up

      3. Archer push up

      4. Tricep dips

      5. Bosu ball push ups

    2. Shoulder and Back BW Exercises (done between sets on arm/chest and leg day)

      1. Forward leans

      2. Shoulder rotations

      3. Mountain climbers

    3. Leg BW Exercises (done between sets on arm/chest and shoulder/back)

      1. Bodyweight Squats

      2. Side Squats

      3. Lunges

      4. Calf Raises

    4. Everyday Exercises

      1. Squats with 37.5 lb DB

      2. Compound glute exercise x 20

      3. Dragon flag hold (30/30)

  5. Core Work

    1. Upper Abs

      1. Basic crunches

      2. Legs up the wall crunches

      3. Legs up the wall toe touches

    2. Oblique Abs

      1. Figure Four crunches

      2. Bicycle Crunches

      3. Rope climbers

      4. Side plank hip lifts

    3. Lower Abs

      1. Leg lifts

      2. Legs up the wall Hip lifts

      3. High Boat to Low Boat

  6. Stretch

  7. Sauna and Shower


  • Exercise Name (xx) = three sets of ten reps
  • BW = Bodyweight

  • DB = dumbbell

  • BB = barbell

15 Tips for Yoga Beginners | Man Flow Yoga

"I wrote this blog so you can expect what you’ll experience as a newbie to yoga. I’m also publishing this blog as part of the release of the FIRST Body by Yoga workout series, Guyoga: Beginner’s Yoga for Men, a workout series I designed to teach people the physical fitness aspects of yoga, to improve strength, flexibility, and balance – and maybe relieve some stress, too. Guyoga: Beginner’s Yoga for Men is available for 30% savings this week only on Amazon. More details below..."

Free Online Yoga Classes with

I will frequently recommend these free yoga challenges through for a variety of reasons. They have ones that are three days, seven days, fourteen days, or even thirty days. Ones that are for anyone or ones that are specifically geared towards men. And many other reasons. Below is a list of some good ones that I am aware of, though I know they are not the only ones. Feel free to take a look. 

If you have any questions about any of these, feel free to shoot me a message at 

6 Tips for Sticking With Your Home Yoga Practice | Wanderlust

"A solo yoga class in your living room probably won’t match the energy of a packed class, but that’s not the point. Any time on your mat is a good time to move your body and shift your energy, and establishing a home (or traveling) yoga practice is the perfect way to stay in the flow. Here are some tips to get your started...."


a free flowing vinyasa yoga class seamlessly connecting the poses through the practice! follow us on instagram! patrick beach - carling harps -

Great flowing yoga class to do when you have 20 minutes for yoga. 


learn how to vinyasa in yoga with this new class video! follow us on instagram! patrick beach - carling harps -

Great modification to a more typical Vinyasa! Looking forward to sharing this with my students. 

Yoga for Runners | CorePower Yoga

"Maybe you’re inspired to run to raise awareness for a cause that’s close to your heart, or perhaps it’s all about the personal challenge. Whatever your motivation for running a marathon is, one thing is certain— it’s a monumental, life-changing experience. 

Training for a marathon is intense, taking place over the course of months or even years. From building base mileage to speed work, you will constantly be challenging and pushing your body to its limits.

It’s no surprise that many runners training for a marathon implement yoga into their cross training regimens. Yoga aids runners by increasing blood flow to overworked joints and muscles, promoting healing and making the most out of rest days. Yoga also stretches and strengthens the muscles of the legs, core and spine. Perhaps most surprisingly, yoga is a workout for the mind and helps instill a sense of determination that will definitely be crucial come race day.

Here are a few of our favorite yoga poses for runners. Try focusing on these postures next time you’re in a yoga class, and feel free to ask your instructor for pointers to nail them. Good luck snagging a PR at your next race!" - CorePower Yoga Continue Reading

Yoga, PTSD, and Personal Growth | Yoga for Men

"One of our primary goals at Yoga for Men is to help encourage people to look beyond the physical aspects of yoga, and consider the psychological and emotional benefits that yoga can provide. Our programs are designed not only to make you a fitter, healthier person, but someone who is open and ready for emotional and personal growth as well..." Continue Reading